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Sunday, September 11, 2011

DELab update for MatLab 7

Download (MatLab 7 Compatible) 

DELab is a GUI-based front end to M ATLAB that implements the analytic, graphical, and numerical tools used in the text Differential Equations: Modeling with MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 1999. Main Website

Save either file to a convenient directory (e.g., matlabr11/work/delab), unzip or unpack ("tar xf delab.tar") the file, add that directory to your MATLAB path using either the addpath command (type "help addpath" in the MATLAB command window) or the Path Browser (choose File/Set Path... from the MATLAB menu bar), and type "delab" in the MATLAB command window to start DELab.

DELab requires MATLAB 5.3 (Release 11) or higher.
Please send questions, comments or suggestions to Paul Davis at; put "DELab" in the subject line.

DELab is copyright 1999, 2000 by Paul Davis. It is for non-profit educational use only.

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